
Representatives of Agropromkomplektatsiya group of companies gave a lecture at MGIMO

The meeting of MGIMO students and experts of the Agropromkomplektatsiya Group of Companies, planned in the format of a lecture, eventually turned into a lively discussion - the topic “Export potential of the meat category” turned out to be interesting for the freshmen of the Master's program “World Agrarian Markets” of the School of Business and International Competences. Representatives of the commercial and export directions of Agropromkomplektatsiya Evgeny Pepelyshev and Stanislav Stolper shared their experience and offered a deep analysis of current situation on global food market.

The lecture introduced the students to the key stages of building a system of regular international supplies of meat products to the countries of Southeast Asia, a priority export direction for the Group of Companies. The greatest interest among the students of the program was aroused by issues of certification, logistics, branding and promotion of Russian products abroad, especially among students studying the Asian region, in particular China and Vietnam. Experts told MGIMO undergraduates about experience an exporter should have, the steps that will help to enter the international market, shared their experience of successful search for sales channels, touched upon aspects of work in logistics and customs, shared the secrets of promoting products in foreign markets etc.

“It is impossible to overestimate the role of live communication with business practitioners in the course of professional training in such a direction as management, especially in such a complex and multifaceted business as agribusiness,” comments the scientific supervisor of the master's program “World agricultural markets”, head of the basic department “World agrarian markets and foreign economic activity in the agro-industrial complex” of MGIMO Natalia Cherner. - Cooperation with Agropromkomplektatsiya allows to gain experience "first hand", and acquire knowledge and analytics that cannot be found in educational literature. The event was held in a positive manner. The experts gave detailed and intelligible answers to the questions raised by the listeners of the program regarding the export of products of the Russian agro-industrial complex. I am sure that the implementation of our joint project with the Group of Companies will be useful and interesting for undergraduates. "

Strengthening positions in the international market is an important and promising area of activity of Agropromkomplektatsiya Group of Companies, as well as in the Russian economic agenda, export and access to foreign markets has a priority status. The meat processing enterprises of the Group of Companies in the Kursk and Tver Regions are systematically developing their export potential, expanding their assortment and increasing the volume of international supplies. In 2020, the geography of international supplies continued to expand. The volume of export products amounted to 20 thousand tons in 2020. More than 3 billion rubles were invested in development of export potential of production sites in the Kursk region.

For reference:

Agropromkomplektatsiya is a dynamically developing agro-industrial association of a closed cycle production "from field to counter", which is included in the list of system-forming enterprises of the Russian Federation. The production enterprises of the Group of Companies operate in the Kursk, Tver and Ryazan regions. Agropromkomplektatsiya Group of Companies specializes in crop production, pig breeding and dairy farming, as well as product processing and its sale to consumers under its own trademarks Blizhnye Gorki, Iskrenne Vash and Dmitrogorsky Product.
Date of publication: 25.03.2021
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